Friday, 29 May 2015

DD309 : Doing economics: people, markets and policy - The things you do to avoid doing the things you should be doing.....

With apologies to fans of Frank Sinatra, this is what I have been doing to avoid doing that I should be doing........

I Study My Way

And now, the deadline's near; 

And so I face a final flurry,
My friend, I'll say it clear, 
I'm in a state of fear and worry.

I've lived life like a fool,
I've pushed my essays to the deadline,
And more, much more than that,
The fault is all mine.

Extensions, I've had a few; 
But then again, it's my intention,
To do what I had to do,
And avoid resorting to substitution.

I planned each essay well
Each careful phrase, commit to paper
upload my work, Press send, it's gone,
it's now consigned within the ether

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt, 
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall; 
And did it my way.

I studied hard, God how I tried,
My project was econometric,
And now, as tears subside, 
Confusion reigns, I'm apoplectic,

To think I wrote all that; 
And some of it may even make sense, 
and now the wait begins, 
the markers have me in suspense

So why do we study, what is the point?
We try so hard not to disappoint,
To strive for knowledge, it is our quest; 
We do our best, to pass the test,.
But now its done, my summers free,
all of this for my PPE! 

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