Thursday, 28 May 2015

DD309 : Doing economics: people, markets and policy - Regrets, I've had a few.....

Frank and I are in perfect harmony at the minute.......

      "Regrets, I've had a few..........."

Regrets.....mainly about committing to carrying out a mind boggling amount of regressions in order to try and prove a point that may or may not be valid.

I'm obviously hoping it is.

To be blunt my EMA sort of rests on it being so.....

"Second thoughts, I've had a few......"

but unlike Frank too many to even start mentioning, 'cos we'd be here all day and I've still got plots to draw, and some to re-draw because my OCD brain has spotted minor and to be honest completely unimportant labeling issues and I must fix them or I will not sleep..... ever !

As a result, Microsoft Excel and I are, if not good friends, then certainly worthy advisories.

..... and with each plot my appendixes grow, the EMA gets thicker and more expensive to print - in triplicate - and deliver. I'd better warn the Post Office they are gonna need extra help on Tuesday - my EMA package will be a two man lift.

Seem to have resorted to gibbering, and gibbering in written form, mental breakdown on the horizon if I wasn't doing this for fun!

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