Sunday 31 January 2016

DD306 : Living Political Lives - TMA03 Marked and Returned

Pass 1.

Surprised doesn't come close !

I did put quite a lot of effort into this essay, and I have to admit that having not gone back to it for two weeks re-reading it this evening it seemed much better that I remember it being at the time of submission.I guess I was just too close to it then.

My tutor again gave thorough and detailed criticism of my essay, and I think I am very lucky that they were happy to accept some 'left-field' arguments and unconventional examples that I had included - possibly to amuse myself.

Anyway, hugely encouraging and what is needed to get me to push on with the next section.

Monday 18 January 2016

DD306 : Living Political Lives - TMA03 Submitted

This has been another less than stella TMA, can't quite get excited over the arguments about giving trees political rights. Aristotle, Bentham and Rawls made sense, of sorts, Stone was an interesting read, but Latour was dreadfully dry and dull.

A Pass 3 pass or better would suit me. I have put quite a lot of effort into this TMA but I feel my lack of engagement with the arguments may be obvious.

Oh well, time will tell.....

Now to religion, what could possibly go wrong here........

Saturday 16 January 2016

DD306 : Living Political Lives - Week 14

Well I was really looking forward this this section, but I have a TMA to finish for Room 2.

Life is busy, and I have been finding it difficult to motivate myself to study, however I thin I have found a hook on which to hang the Political Animal TMA, so the writing of this is now more focused and I am about half way through the word count.

Hopefully, Aristotle and Bentham have provided the platform o which to drag in another couple of theorists and a NEXIS thing.

TMA03, you will be finished tomorrow and then on to religion......