Monday, 27 April 2015

DD309 : Doing economics: people, markets and policy - TMA05 Marked and Returned

Really good job by my tutor in turning round the TMA inside a week. They mark in order of submission and I can't believe many could have submitted later than me without an extension.

The mark equaled the highest mark I have had this course, so I am unbelievably pleased with this result and probably deserve it ina  way considering the amount of effort and hard work - not to mention frustration - that went into this TMA.

It does however leave me with a quandary regarding econometrics. I  am never really that confident in my answers, even though I go over everything and double check what I can, so I must be over thinking the whole thing.

The example econometric project that they give you as an example of what you should submit doesn't seem 100 miles from what we have just done. Obviously, the literature review is a massive part of the EMA, which is really TMA06, so I guess I need to get that started.

This was really what I needed after a couple of months struggling with competing work and family commitments combined with a bit of poor health. So this mark has been really motivating.

Just five and a bit weeks to go........

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