Saturday, 25 April 2015

DD309 : Doing economics: people, markets and policy - Week 27

Week 27 – Block 6: Project work

Project work            Project work

I have been data sorting on my quest to prove the obvious statement that the more qualifications that you have, the more money that you are likely to be paid.

There is quite a lot of data sorting to be done....... from an initial data set of over 30,000 entries, by the time I have removed those not between 16 and 65, and those not in full time employment, and indeed several other variables, I now have less than 9,000 entries to work with.

Results so far are basically what you would expect, it would be nice to find an anomaly to investigate.

Need to get the literature research under-way to underpin this project.

TMA06 next on agenda for 12th May, but really need TMA05 back in order to move on with any confidence.

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