Tuesday 11 June 2013

DD203 - Power, Dissent, Equality : Essay Plans and guesing at the questions.

This time tomorrow the exam will be in progress, so I guess with such little tile left there is only time to consolidate what I think I know and try and concentrate on essay plans and case studies

Looking at past exam questions from sections of the course and having spoken to other students, I'm hoping the exam questions are along the following lines.....

Question 1:
Politics not just for politicians, where does politics happen/can you avoid politics, can refugees or vouchers be political actors/political,

Question 2:
Hopefully a question around he values and problems of comparative analysis of politics.

Questions 3:
There has been a real variety of questions in this section, it is almost impossible to guess at what will come up, but if it is a bit left field and based on Gender Representation, then I'm ready......

Powers and Structures:
Another set of questions which are difficult to pin down, it could be anything but hopefully if it is something about the constraints of the power of the UK Prime Minister I'll jump on it.

Evidence & Argument:
Please be something asking what is more important evidence or argument or is evidence important.

On the plus side the last tutorial/day school hinted that  the questions would be fairly open, rather than drilling down on specifics, so I hope that I can find at least 2 really good questions out of these 5 topics and one other I can have a reasonable stab at, and with luck see if I can fall across the 70% threshold.

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