Sunday, 22 November 2015

DD306 : Living Political Ideas - TMA02 Finished

Wow, that feels unbelievable. The weekend has been spent pretty much doing this TMA but it is finished and with over a week to go. 

I could keep reading and adjusting, ad reading and editing, but the law of diminishing returns means that I would be wasting my time. I have simply got too much else going on in the next week to spend additional time on this. How good is it, well good enough, and I'll accept the mark and move on.

Firstly, try and get ahead on the next room which is going to be a real challenge. Whereas Representation and Legitimacy was interesting and relevant, I think I will have difficulty engaging fully with the next Room and the political rights of animals.

Secondly, I have anther project on the go which requires a lot of time and rewriting, I will devote tomorrow to that.

Thirdly, family visiting this week, make time for them.

Fourthly, extension progressing, furniture and flooring to be sourced.

I will re-read it tonight for spelling error and then it is gone.......

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