Thursday 5 December 2013

DD209 Running The Economy : Easiest TMA to write, most difficult to edit :-(

This TMA seemed, at least initially, to be possibly one of the easiest to write. The course text and tutorial material has been pretty well presented (bar some of the maths equations) and the TMA question is pretty clear.

The problem has been that with a maximum of 1760 words I am having huge difficulty editing it down. I am currently about 100 words over and haven't written a full conclusion yet. What I have been doing though is going through trying to reduce word count while retaining the meaning. This hasn't been too successful as I started at one point with just under 1900 words, went through making changes and ending up with just over 1900 words - not sure how that happened.

 It is also very difficult to separate the economic from the political, especially as the decision to use some, all or none of the policies will necessarily be tied, in some way, to political ideology.

Its now got to the point where I need to re-analyse the question, be ruthless with what may be unnecessary and hope there is enough there to get a good mark. The problem is that this TMA seems more like a simple regurgitation of the course material with no opportunity to explore alternative strategies that could have been more successful.

So 5 more days to trim the word count and finish it and then  its pretty much easy street to Xmas.


JonathanD said...

I ended up submitting at 1850 words. I'd edited it down from 2300, and couldn't manage any more. I did make note of this in the reflections section though, hopefully we'll learn to be more concise in the future.

The Accidental Student said...

I went through the essay line by line seeing if it was possible to remove words, reword with fewer words or find another way of dropping the word count. I ended up displaying some equations on the inserted graph jpegs.

This took almost as long as writing the essay, but I guess it makes it easier for the marker as I have certainly been as concise as I can.

Hopefully an early submission means an early return.