Monday, 24 September 2012

DD203 - Power, Dissent, Equality : Week 1

The courses first week of study is supposed to start on the 6th Oct, however there is nothing quite like the feeling of being slightly ahead of the course timetable and knowing that you have a bit of a 'study buffer' should things happen to put your study back a bit.

So, Week 1's timetabled study is,


Unknown said...

Great blog. Just started this course so using this as a guide. It all helps! Pleased to hear you too are distracted by the football!

The Accidental Student said...

Hi Luke,

Thanks for the comments and I hope you enjoy the course.

Understanding the inter-connectivity of the books and the strands is key to getting good marks.

Yeah, it is amazing how much there is to distract you when you are studying, but the football is a particular problem for me :-)