Saturday, 13 August 2011

DD101 Introducing the Social Sciences - TMA 06, coming together but too many words.

The suggested time table for Week 26

         ‘Reflections on “Connected lives”’ (Audio CD 3) (30 minutes) .
         Online Reflective Quiz: Exploring Social Lives, ‘Connected lives’ (10–15 minutes)
         Most of your time this week will be spent on completing Assignment 06.

To be completed by 12th August.

Most of your time will be spent on TMA 06 - well your not wrong there !!!

Too many words, currently at over 1750 and need to trim back to below the 1650 target of 1500 plus 10%.

This TMA has been different from the others as it is easy to get the argument for the claim down on the paper, but the evaluation part, where I am criticising the research methods, outcomes and limited use of appropriate theories has too much information.

The audio CD on evaluating arguments says to use three tests,
  1. The validity of the research - small cohort, few examples, motivations to 'find' the answer.
  2. The logic behind the research findings, do they stand up to questioning.
  3. Comprehensiveness, could better theories have been used to analyse the 'evidence'.
It has also been useful to look back at other TMAs mentioning identity and I have lifted references and quotes from those to use again in this TMA - the references used are as valid of this TMA as they were for the previous ones.

So it is nearly done, some trimming required and a bit of a re-read to check all points are covered, but to be honest if I am already over the word count and have missed a point it may have to stay missed :-)

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