Wednesday, 25 May 2011

DD101 Introducing the Social Sciences - Week 15

The suggested time table for Week 15
     ‘Conclusion’ to the ‘Ordered lives’ strand (30 minutes)
     Online Reflective Quiz: Making Social Lives, ‘Ordered lives’ (10–15 minutes)
     ‘Reflections on “Ordered lives”’ (Audio CD 3) (30 minutes).    
     Most of your time this week will be spent on Assignment 04.

To be completed by 27th May.

"Most of your time this week will be spent on Assignment 04." should have read "Most of your time this week will be spent avoiding Assignment 04."

Not much of help in this last bit of this section towards the TMA, not that I thought there would be, but as per the old addage 'better safe than sorry' I thought it best to get this out the way just in case there was anything earth shattering in it.

So a couple of days and the bank holiday to get this pesky TMA sorted.

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