Saturday, 14 February 2015

DD309 : Doing economics: people, markets and policy - Week 18

Week 18 – Block 4: Optional chapters

18.1 Environmental Economics IIRead DEPMP: Chapter 12
18.2 Environmental Economics II: Video clips View a short video clip
18.3 Economics and Society IIRead DEPMP: Chapter 15
18.4 Economics and Society II: Video clipsView a short video clip
18.5 Business and Innovation IIRead DEPMP: Chapter 18
18.6 Business and Innovation II: Film and video clipView a film and a short video clip
18.7 Finance IIRead DEPMP: Chapter 20

Chapter 14 was a pretty interesting read and there are some interesting theories and ideas about how and why we are wrong when estimating or relying on intuition.

A tutorial this weekend has certainly made what is required for the end of course project a lot clearer. I need to finish this chapter and the next and find something that catches my eye to base the project on. I am pretty sure the project will be about wages, but I need to see if my employer will play ball or not, if not it may then be an econometric project which I'd rather avoid.

Hoping for an early turn around on the last TMA being marked, promises have been made :-)

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