Saturday, 7 February 2015

DD309 : Doing economics: people, markets and policy - Week 17

Week 17 – Block 4: Optional chapters

17.1 Overview of the optional themes for Block 4 Learn about the four Block 4 themes and choose one of them
17.2 Environmental EconomicsBrowse the chapters for this theme: Chapters 11, 12 and 13 and video clips
17.3 Economics and SocietyBrowse the chapters for this theme: Chapters 14, 15 and 16 and video clips
17.4 Business and InnovationBrowse the chapters for this theme: Chapters 17, 18 and 19 and video clips
17.5 FinanceBrowse the chapters for this theme: Chapters 17, 20 and 21
17.6 Environmental Economics IRead DEPMP: Chapter 11
17.7 Economics and Society IRead DEPMP: Chapter 14
17.8 Business and Innovation IRead DEPMP: Chapter 17
17.9 Finance IRead DEPMP: Chapter 17

P A N I C  has now set in !

TMA03 will be finished by the deadline on the 10th Feb, but it will be being written right up to the 11th hour.

Haven't touched the dreaded econometrics Week 15 work yet, so now one big week behind where I would ideally be..... but worse than that we should be starting the process of choosing a theme and I need to get this cracked before next weekends tutorial.

I really don't fancy Finance, so that is out, Business and Innovation and Environmental Economics are not really my thing, so I guess it will have to be Economics and Society which is what I am most interested in anyway.

So three chapters to read and some video clips to watch, and a project question to dream up.

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