Sunday 24 November 2013

DD209 Running The Economy : iCMA41 submitted

I've had a bit of a marathon weekend of study, well I need to as things get a bit busy socially over the week couple of weeks, so in between the televised football matches (and sometimes during them) I have been cracking through the iCMA questions at the same time as going through the online tutorials.

There are some questions which are really straightforward, and some which take a bit more thought than others, then some questions which could possibly be worded a lot better. Anyway, I have worked through them, checked them and I'm pretty confident in all of them, bar maybe three.

So in order to put the iCMA to bed, and therefore allow me to concentrate fully on the TMA,  I have submitted it.

I was then hugely disappointed that it wasn't marked immediately, but I guess I should have known this. But it makes me ask the question why we are asked to submit the iCMA at all if there is no advantage to submitting early, i.e. you get your mark immediately, and there is absolutely no extensions to the cut off date, why doesn't the OU just take the answers you have saved to the website at the cut off deadline as your submission. Why the unnecessary charade of having to go through a submission process for data they already have?

Oh well, if I find out I have done something wrong it is too late now to do anything about it, but on the plus side one less distraction to writing the TMA.

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