Thursday 13 January 2011

'Social Sciences : The Big Issues' by Kath Woodward - Chapter 5

We live in a material world...... After the last 2 chapters becoming increasingly difficult to read, this chapter was far easier to read and was rubbish. It was literally about rubbish, about the waste we create and the problems that dealing with waste creates. So Kath Woodward was pretty much singing from the same song sheet as Jack Johnson with his 3R's song - REDUCE - REUSE - RECYCLE.

Rubbish is a big problem, as our society becomes increasingly consumer led, and as technology and fashions change items become rubbish because we no longer desire them, not because the are worn out or no longer functional.

Additionally, the materials that rubbish is now made from are increasingly toxic or non-biodegradable, so disposal becomes a bigger problem, and a problem individuals expect local councils and governments to solve. 

Kath Woodward therefore demonstrates how something as innocuous as rubbish can be shown to be connected across all aspects of social studies. Rubbish is material, economic, cultural and social, it's a lot more connected than you'd think.

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