Learning Companion 1, (0.5 hrs)
Assignment 01 (12 hrs)
To be completed by the 26th Feb
The assignment question is,
"Drawing upon what you have learned about city road, outline some of the ways in which differences are made and remade on a street that you know." (750 words)
Self-Reflection (50 words)
After a bit of a spurt I have to all intents and purposes finished the TMA. I chose 3 differences commented on in the DVD which happen locally, changing use of space, changes due to time & changing shops/residents. All compared/contrasted to the learning material, referenced and even added some maps and photos of the area. The formatting and presentation has taken almost as long to sort out as I took to write the text.
I started the assignment using OpenOffice, but now I have a '@student.open.ac.uk' email account I bought Microsoft Office Professional for about £40, and it has been a read bonus. Far easier to add and change photos, formats etc in MS Word. The main reason I went for MS Office though was because my fiancee wrote her first assignment and just before she submitted it she sent it to me at work as a last proof read, and although Open Office was supposed to be compatible with MS Office, when I opened the document at work the formatting was all over the place - luckily I fixed it on my works MS Word and it was sent from there. So now I have my own copy of MS Office no formatting worries for me.
Study now going well to plan, a good couple of weeks ahead of schedule unless I find out at next weeks tutorial that I have somehow misunderstood the question and need more work on TMA 01.