Tuesday 18 March 2014

DD209 Running The Economy : iCMA43

I have to complete this iCMA today, and in the four courses I have done/am doing with the OU this is the one section for assessment that I have done the least work for. It has just been too difficult being abroad with work, then on holiday (well...sort of holiday) and then having work and family commitments to really engage with these chapters.

Having the extension for the TMA is one thing, I probably have time to get stuck in to the nitty gritty of the TMA question from tomorrow, but as there is no extension to the iCMA I really need to finish this tonight. So far most of the questions I have completed have pretty much been answered by finding the correct section in the book or online tutorials and substituting the question variables into the book or online example and turning the computation handle.

This has pretty much confirmed to me that the iCMAs lack any sort of academic rigour, and you should get a pretty good mark just by scouring the books and website without having to understand or engage with the material. So juts a few more questions to answer and I can put the iCMA to bed and get on with the far more onerous task of writing the TMA04.

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