Saturday 24 September 2011

DD101 Introducing the Social Sciences - 9 days to go !!!

Well, I've had a good go at getting some words down today although after starting to tackle the essay in the normal way, by working on the introduction and struggling a bit to get in to a rhythm, I gave up and did what I was most certain of.

So I have ended up writing the essay backwards ??? Started with the conclusion which was obvious, then I wrote the outcome of the three tests of empirical adequacy, coherence and comprehensiveness - although I obviously wrote them in the order comprehensiveness, coherence and empirical adequacy.

I then wrote how Jill's story showed the many actions and interactions with the state and then defined the state. The introduction was a bit easier after all that. Managed to work in several references from previous chapters on identity, social order and discourse - which to be fair may be obvious that that is what has been done - still it proves that I've done some reading.

Leave it for tonight and re-read it tomorrow and see if it needs re-written or not. There is definitely enough there for the minimum pass I need, but having put so much effort in this far, I would be very disappointed with less than a very good mark..... we shall see.....

The good thing is that by the time we get the marks, I should be so engrossed in the next course that they won't really matter.

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