Friday 23 September 2011

DD101 Introducing the Social Sciences - 10 days to go !!!

Good telephone tutorial last night, well for me anyway - not sure what the others thought. Confirmed that my basic plan is heading in the right direction,

i.   Intro
ii.  Definition of 'The State'
iii. Look at Jill's story and tie this to interactions with the state
iv. Use same three tests of an argument as in last TMA - Empirical accuracy, that it makes sense and comprehensiveness of argument.
v. Discuss outcomes of the tests
vi. Conclusion

Need to get as many references as possible from previous chapters and 7,8,& 9, definitely looking at identity and discourse, and hopefully some others.....

The tutor also pointed out some other arguments I could use, although they did also say that with a limited word count and much to write about you have to be very selective in what you wish to write about.

Hopefully, I will have broken the back of this by the end of the weekend.

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