Tuesday, 22 March 2011

DD101 Introducing the Social Sciences - Post TMA Submission Slump

I put in a lot of hours in to get this assignment finished in good time, and now it has been submitted I have found my motivation levels drop significantly. So rather than getting ahead by reading the next Chapters I seem to be finding lots of other things to do that are more interesting. This happened with the first assignment also, maybe there is some sort of medical name for it, 'Academic Apathy' or ' Studious Stupor' -whatever it is its not helpful.

The other thing about getting assignments in early is that is seems an absolute age to get them marked. Anyway, the next TMA looks to be about anaysing quantative and qualitative data, so that should be fairly straight forward, although I guess there will be a twist on it and somebody will have some theories or concepts that we will have to identify and reference. I suppose the best thing is to get on and read the next chapters........

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