Monday, 21 September 2015

DD306 : Living Political Ideas - Pro-active tutor - a great start

My new tutor has already been in touch and seems very pro-active, posting the tutorial dates (still unavailable on the OU Course website) and making all the right noises about the course and his role in supporting students through the experience.

Now looking forward to the first tutorial - now that I know when it is........


Chris F said...

Hi just want to say what a wonderful blog just what I was looking for I have a long term plan to do most of the courses you have done but my immediate focus has been mainly maths physics and music. Currentl completing an OU maths and statistics degree will then go onto maths and economics and then finally ending with politics pp and E. Fortunately in Scotland whilst prices are steep they aren't as bad as England so it is feasible for now to continue studying.

You can see my progress amongst other things via the OU here

Anyway great blog all the best Chris

The Accidental Student said...

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your kind comments regarding the blog, I am glad you have found it useful.

You are very lucky to have the reduced fees in Scotland, the 'new' fee structure in England means that this will be my last OU course which is sad, there are loads of other courses I would love to do but £2500 (or so) per year takes the fees from hobby money to a very serious cash commitment.

Good luck with your courses, and it you do go down the PPE route I am sure you will really enjoy it.