Wednesday 25 April 2012

A222 - Exploring Philosophy : TMA05 Marked and Returned

This has been a long and frustrating wait, it has been 3 weeks since it was submitted. I put a lot of effort in to this TMA and was pretty sure it was pretty good, so I was pleased with a Pass 1, but not really as high a mark as I had hoped for.

I am now in the odd position that if I pass the last TMA with 40% I will achivev an overall Pass 2, and if I managed a 100% on the last TMA the overall score would still be a Pass 2, so it will be interestign to see where the motivation to put a huge amount of effort in to the next TMA comes from.

However, now that I finally have this mark I can concerntrate better on Book 6. I have read the 4 chapters and am now going back over the chapters making more notes to help answer the incredibly long question.

I guess we are now on the home straight, just one TMA and the Exam to go.

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