Thursday 15 March 2012

A222 - Exploring Philosophy : TMA 04 Marked and Returned

I have received the marks for TMA04, and again just shy of a Pass1.

Good general comments for the essay, especially the use of my own examples to illustrate points I was trying to get across, but as with every other TMA so far, I was criticised for questioning how genuine the main philosophers belief in religion was.

In this TMA I questioned Descartes' belief in God, as the punishment for being a heretic in those days was death, which may have limited his philosophical ambitions, so if he was indeed a great thinker and questioner of beliefs handed down from authority, religion was surely the epitome of all he would oppose..... my tutor says not, and tat his belief was genuine.... but how do they know.

So, I will take heed for the next TMA and despite my own views I will ensure that I will not leave myself open this this particular criticism again.

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