Saturday 6 October 2012

DD203 - Power, Dissent, Equality : First Tutorial

Today is officially, according to the course timetable, the start of the course, so it seemed an odd date on which to have a tutorial.

The tutorials for my previous courses have been a bit dreary or not really covered that much, and I have gone along to them more because I thought I should, and because I feared I may miss something important, rather than because I thought it would be useful.

However, today's tutorial was actually really good. Practically all of the 2 hours was spent in interesting and well-paced discussions, which were well directed and moderated by the tutor. It has always felt a bit pointless in past tutorials having the tutor simply go over what we should already have read, so to have discussions around the course text and content was far more interesting, and it also brought in new and different ideas

A great start to the course, and it has motivated me to get some more reading done, and if all of the tutorials are as good as this one I will certainly be going to as many tutorials as possible.

So, with TMA01 due by the end of the month it is time to get back in to study mode for real.

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